How To Reset Subaru Tire Pressure Light: Simple Method

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The very question of users these days is how can the reset of the Pressure light of Subaru is done.

Here is a proper guideline on how to reset Subaru tire pressure light. Best first, you need to know precisely what the Subaru tire pressure light is.

This pressure monitoring system is already installed in the vehicle.

The purpose of the tire pressure light is to make you aware of whether the tires’ pressure is low or high from the optimum value.

The illuminated lamp means there is some problem with the tire’s pressure.

In some automobiles, there is a different color indication for high or low tire pressure.

How to Reset Subaru Tire Pressure Light: 04 Simple Steps

The Tire pressure light needs a restart if it keeps on blinking after you have maintained the tire pressure to the optimum.

Experts provide many other techniques to do this process. Here’s a complete preface to it as well.

An automobile mechanic can help if these steps are tricky to do yourself. Highways and motorways usually don’t have these services.

So a little knowledge of this is quite helpful. You might find the automobile experts to solve this problem with minimum effort which a layman finds hard.

But keep in mind that all these methods should be adopted after the problem is solved.

Ignoring this can cause severe damage. Here’s a list of ways to answer How to reset the Subaru tire pressure light system.

Step 1: Maintain the 50mph speed of the car for ten minutes

Following guidelines can be followed to utilize the benefits of this method.

  • When there is a need to reset the Subaru pressure light, start driving the car.
  • Maintain the speed to 50mph.
  • Drive the vehicle at 50mph speed for ten minutes.
  • The tire pressure light will turn off eventually.

Step 2: By blinking the tire pressure light

The reset button can also help to reset the whole procedure of the tire pressure light. Follow the underlined guidelines to use this technique.

  • Locate the tire pressure light key.
  • Turn the key ‘ON.
  • Keep in mind not to start the car.
  • Press the Tire pressure monitoring system ‘RESET’ key.
  • Hold the key for several minutes.
  • Keep on holding unless the Subaru light pressure light blinks three times.
  • Start the car after completing the process.
  • The tire pressure light will reset automatically.

Typically, the tire pressure light key is underneath the car’s steering, but no such key is available in your vehicle. Try to check in the user’s vehicle guide.

Step 3: Inflating and deflating the vehicle’s tires

Inflating a vehicle’s tire means letting the gas molecules in the tire, while deflation means letting the air out of the vehicle’s tire.

The optimum pressure is necessary for the smooth working of the tire.

Rapid inflation and deflation can also be the solution for How to reset Subaru tire pressure light. Follow these instructions to do so:

  • Get an air compressor or pump.
  • Start inflating each tire.
  • Maintain the pressure over to 3PSI to the suggested amount.
  • Deflate the tires entirely afterward.
  • After the deflation, reinflate each tire to the recommended PSI.
  • Subaru tire pressure light will reset after that.

Here, PSI refers to the amount which is necessary for a vehicle to support its maximum load.

Moreover, it is mandatory to include the spare tire while inflating and deflating the rest as the reserve tire has a sensor too. However, the process is time-consuming but is effective.

Step 4: Disconnecting the battery

Disconnecting the battery is another option to get rid of the blinking tire pressure light.

Disconnecting the battery means cutting the power off of the vehicle. No power supply will eventually turn off all the lights. However, the step-by-step guideline is listed below.

  • Turn the vehicle off.
  • Open the bonnet.
  • Locate the positive battery cable.
  • Disconnect the positive battery cable.
  • Discharge the stored power by honking the horn or turning on the headlights.
  • After the stored energy is discharged, reconnect the battery for a while.
  • The Subaru tire pressure light will reset.

Suppose you could not find the positive cable. Look for a cable with red connected to the battery. There can be positive signs imprinted on it as well.

Subaru Tire Pressure Light: What & Why?

A Subaru tire pressure light is developed in the car for the maintenance and safety of the vehicle and the driver.

The blinking light indicates the malfunction of the tire pressure. A useful security tool kit is also present in the modern tire pressure monitoring system.

Based on various parts, the Subaru tire pressure tool kit has different types as well.

These types are based on the technology on which they are designed. A typical Subaru tire pressure light consists of diagnostic tools and replacement sensors etc.

A Tire pressure light is included in the diagnostic kit. Replacement sensors can be of various types, such as direct, multi-protocol, and mechanized sensors.

The light is an indication of how to maintain your vehicle’s tire pressure.

The Process of Subaru TPMS Reset: 02 Step Method

If the light keeps on blinking after the problem is resolved, there is a need to reset the tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS).

To reset the tire pressure monitoring system. It would help if you had some tools and a complete step-by-step guideline.

Tools required for the TPMS reset

  • VT56 and VT55 OBDII module with the TPMS recognition scan tool kit.
  • VT15. VT31, VT36 series of TPMS activation tools, and diagnostic tool kit dare transfer the information through DLC.
  • Tire pressure monitoring system quick set and tire pressure monitoring system activation tool of series VT15, VT31, VT36.

The Complete Procedure

To successfully reset the Subaru tire pressure monitoring system. Follow these steps:

  • Turn on your PC and run the AT Quickset software.
  • Go for the ‘NEW VEHICLE.’
  • Select the automobile, version, and year which is to be reset.
  • Press ‘Ok.’
  • Disengage the tool from your personal computer and switch the ignition ‘ON.’
  • Below the dash, go to the automobile’s DLC. The green color light will start blinking.
  • Choose either ‘WINTER’ or ‘SUMMER’ on the display screen.
  • Reconnect the Quickset to your PC and click either the ‘WINTER’ or ‘SUMMER’ button.
  • Follow the software’s instructions to get into the tire pressure monitoring system sensor ID for each season.
  • Press the save button after entering all the information in the sensor ID dialogue box.
  • After saving the information, the digital information of the sensors attached to the tire can be seen on the screen.
  • The OBDII port will have a reset button.
  • To reset the system each time, press the reset button.

Remember tools like VT31 or VT36 are used to read the tire pressure monitoring system’s preinstalled sensor ID.

So, if the sensors are not linked with the software before, register them first.

Moreover, install the ATQUICKSET software on the device you are working on to smooth information flow.

Tools can also be connected with the device with the help of the portable cable present in the kit.

Subaru TPMS Light: What & Why?

On the basis of its working, the Subaru tire pressure monitoring system is considered an output device.

Its purpose is to display the information decoded by the sensors preinstalled in the vehicles.

It is an immediate response to any malfunction happening inside the vehicle’s tire.

And is automatically turned off when the problem is solved. Sometimes, the tire pressure may seem perfect.

In the past several accidents happened just because either driver did not check the tire pressure before driving or the tire pressure got low during the driving.

The automobile engineers developed this automated system to get rid of this problem.

It may save several human lives. The sensors are set to the optimum PSI of the tire.

Once the amount of pressure gets above or below the optimum pressure, it alerts the drivers.

The light can be of various colors. Some vehicles use different colors for each low or high representation of tire pressure.

Subaru Tire Pressure Monitoring System: the Mechanism

TPMS stands for  Tire pressure monitoring system. The system checks whether the vehicle’s tires work on the suggested PSI level or not.

The car runs on its tires. And if there is any malfunction in it, serious accidents can occur.

A direct Tire pressure monitoring system is installed in the Subaru to minimize the risk factor. The sensors are placed in the tires.

If there is any indication of low tire pressure, it is detected by the sensors, and the information in the form of digital signals is transferred to the vehicle’s ECU.

Whenever there is such indication, the light starts blinking as on output to alert the driver.

Kinds of tire pressure monitoring system

  • Direct TPMS
  • Indirect TPMS

Here, the direct tire pressure monitoring system involves the usage of a direct sensor built on the wheel to measure the PSI of the tire.

Common FAQs for the Subaru Tire Pressure Light Reset

01. Why TPM light of my vehicle continues to blink?

The TPM light indicates the problem with the tire pressure. However, sometimes it keeps on blinking even if the issue is resolved.

It is because the system gets some time to get the new information. Digital signals often get some trouble receiving or transmitting further details.

The simplest way is to disconnect the battery of the vehicle. However, if it takes too much time, you can adopt any of the above methods to get rid of it.

02. Which benefits can be gained through the tire pressure monitoring system?

A tire pressure monitoring system helps to be aware of the impending danger on the road due to malfunction of tire pressure.

There is a need to maintain the vehicle tire pressure to bear the weight in it.

There can be tire bursts and severe accidents if no tire pressure monitoring system is installed in your vehicle.

Your security on the road is somehow directly linked with TPMS.

03. Why is the usage of direct TPMS is costly than indirect TPMS?

Direct TPMS have sensors installed which makes it expensive in contrast to indirect TPMS. For their manufacture, more skilled labor and spare parts are required.

It has a valve core, hood, nut, and seals, which require extra materials for its manufacturing, making it costly.

These tools require more cost than the indirect TPMS. Although they are expensive, they are better for your safety.

04. What to do if my tire pressure light doesn’t turn off?

It can happen that the tire pressure light can not be turned off after the first attempt.

It is because the system wants validation to ensure your safety. The automated system of tire pressure monitoring system uses a computerized system.

This digital system needs some time to decode the new information. To turn off the tire pressure light is called a reset of tire pressure light or TPMS.

05. Where is the tire pressure monitoring system reset button can be found?

Usually, the reset button is located below the car steering. Hold it for a while and wait until the light blinks three times continuously.

The restart process will start afterward. Suppose there is no such button below the steering of your vehicle. Try to use the user’s manual guide to locate the reset button.


The difficult task of this resetting the Subaru tire pressure light can now be solved easily.

By following the step-by-step guidelines, the process of How to reset Subaru tire pressure light can be done successfully.

Moreover, the mechanics and automobile experts can do it professionally.

These steps are helpful when you are traveling alone or do not have any access to the mechanics’ shop.

And you need to know the Subaru tire pressure light resetting. In this digitally revolutionized world.

The tire pressure monitoring system is another advancement of technology in which various troubles can occur.

Users find confusion in the digital system more often. Guides to these troubles provide solutions to these existing problems.

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